
Kalman filter

Kalman fiter is one of the most important and widely used estimation algorithms. When taking the Self-Driving Cars courses on Coursera, I find the introduction of the Kalman filter in the course a bit brief. So I decided to write this post to provide more information on it.

From a control perspective, the Kalman filter is similar to a state observer. It uses both prediction and the measurement to provide an optimal estimate of the states amid the uncertainties/noises in the model and measurements.

State Observer

Let us start with a short introduction to state observer. For a dynamical system, it is not always possible to obtain information on all state variables in practice. In this case, a state observer is designed to estimate the states of the system and then will be used for control design.

Consider a linear time invariant system, represented in the state space form as below

\[\begin{equation} \begin{aligned} x_k &=Ax_{k-1}+Bu_k, \\ y_k &=Cx_k, \end{aligned} \label{equ:discrete_time_system} \end{equation}\]

where $x_k\in\mathcal{R}^n$, $u_k\in\mathcal{R}^m$, $y_k\in\mathcal{R}^p$ are the state, input and output of the system at time step $k$.

Given the model ($A,B,C$) and the measurements ($y_k$), a state observer is given by the following equations

\[\begin{equation} \begin{aligned} \hat{x}_k &= A\hat{x}_{k-1}+Bu_{k-1}+K(y_k-\hat{y}_k),\\ \hat{y}_k &= C\hat{x}_k, \end{aligned} \label{equ:observer} \end{equation}\]

where \(\hat{x}_{k}\) is the estimate of the state $x_k$, and $K$ is gain of the observer to be designed.

The left-hand side of the first equation in \eqref{equ:observer} can be divided into:

  • a prediction part \(A\hat{x}_{k-1}+Bu_{k-1}\) calculated based on the state estimate and input at the previous step,
  • a correction part $K(y_k-\hat{y}_k)$ calculated based on the difference of the measured and predicted outputs.

The configuration of a state observer is shown in the following figure.

Observer block diagram\label{fig:observer_block_diagram}

The goal of the state observer is to provide an accurate estimate of the state, which is done by choosing a proper observer gain $K$ such that the estimation error $e_k=x_k-\hat{x}_k$ converges to zero.

It follows from \eqref{equ:discrete_time_system} and \eqref{equ:observer} that

\[\begin{equation} e_{k}=(I-KC)e_{k-1}. \label{equ:error} \end{equation}\]

Then the observer gain $K$ should be chosen such that the system \eqref{equ:error} is stable.

Kalman filter

However, in reality, we will need to consider the noises/uncertainties in the model and the measurement sensors. The Kalman filter is designed to handle this situation.

Taking into the noises into account, the system \eqref{equ:discrete_time_system} is transformed into:

\[\begin{equation} \begin{aligned} x_k &=x_{k-1}+Bu_{k-1}+w_{k-1}\\ y_k &=Cx_k+v_k, \end{aligned} \label{equ:discrete_time_system_noise} \end{equation}\]

where $w_k\sim \mathcal{N}(0,Q)$ is the process noise, and $v_k\sim \mathcal{N}(0,R)$ is the measurement noise. These noises are assumed to be independent (of each other), white and noramally distributed.

The Kalman filter is given by

\[\begin{equation} \begin{aligned} \hat{x}_k &=A\hat{x}_{k-1}+Bu_{k-1}+K(y_k-\hat{y})\\ \hat{y}_k &=C(A\hat{x}_{k-1}+Bu_{k-1}) \end{aligned} \label{equ:kalman_filter} \end{equation}\]

The configuration of the Kalman filter is shown below.

Kalman filter block diagram

Now let us introduce some concepts in the context of Kalman filter.

  • Priori estimate: \(\hat{x}_k^-=A\hat{x}_{k-1}+Bu_{k-1}\).
  • Posterior estimate: \(\hat{x}_k=A\hat{x}_{k-1}+Bu_{k-1}+K(y_k-\hat{y}_k)=\hat{x}_k^-+K(y_k-C\hat{x}_k^-)\).
  • Priori estimate error: $e_k^-=x_k-\hat{x}^-_k$.
  • Posterior estimate error: $e_k = x_k -\hat{x}_k$.
  • Priori estimate error covariance: $P_k^-=E[e_k^-e_k^{-\top}]$
  • Posterior estimate error covariance: $P_k=E[e_ke_k^\top]$

The Kalman filter choose a $K$ known as the Kalman filter gain such that the posteriori estimate $\hat{x}_k$ is optimal in sense that the variance of the posteriori estimate error is minimal. In addition, the posteriori estimate $\hat{x}_k$ is an unbiased estimate of $x_k$.

Unbiased estimate

The expected value of the posteriori estimate is given by

\[\begin{equation} \begin{aligned} E[\hat{x}_k]&=E[\hat{x}_k^- +K(y_k-C\hat{x}_k^-)]\\ &=E[\hat{x}_k^-]+K(E[Cx_k]+E[v_k]-E[C\hat{x}_k^-])\\ &=E[\hat{x}_k^-]+KC(E(x_k)-E[\hat{x}_k^-]). \end{aligned} \end{equation}\]

Setting the initial estimate to be the initial value leads to


which indicates


So the Kalman filter always provides an unbiased estimate of the states regardless of the Kalman filter gain.

Minimum variance

The Kalman filter gain $K$ is chosen such that the variance of the posteriori error $e_k$ is minimal.

From \eqref{equ:kalman_filter}, we have

\[\begin{equation} e_k=x_k-\hat{x}_k=x_k-\hat{x}_k^- - K(Cx_k+v_k-C\hat{x}_k^-). \end{equation}\]

Take the covariance of $e_k$, yields

\[\begin{equation} P_k=E[e_ke_k^\top]=(I-KC)P_k^- (I-KC)^\top + KRK^\top. \end{equation}\]

That is

\[\begin{equation} P_k=P_k^- -KCP_k^- - P_k^- C^\top K^\top + K(CP_k^-C+R)K^\top. \label{equ:Pk_Pk_minus} \end{equation}\]

Then the Kalman filter design problem become an optimal problem

\[\begin{equation} \min_{K}\mathrm{tr} (P_k) \end{equation}\]

Note that for any matrix \(M\) and a symmetric matrix $N$,

\[\begin{equation*} \frac{\partial \mathrm{tr}(MNM^\top)}{\partial M}=2MN. \end{equation*}\]

Then differentiating $\mathrm{tr} (P_k)$ with respect to $K$ and settting to zero, yields \(\begin{equation} \frac{\partial \mathrm{tr} (P_k)}{\partial K}=-2(P_k^-C^\top)+2K(CP_k^-C^\top+R)=0. \label{equ:trP} \end{equation}\)

Solving the equation above for $K$, we have

\[\begin{equation} K=P_k^-C^\top(CP_k^-C^\top+R)^{-1}. \label{equ:kalman_filter_gain} \end{equation}\]

Substitute \eqref{equ:kalman_filter_gain} into \eqref{equ:Pk_Pk_minus}, yields

\[\begin{equation} P_k=(I-KC)P_k^-. \end{equation}\]

For $P_k^-$, we have

\[\begin{equation} \begin{aligned} P_k^-&=E[e^-_k e_k^{- \top}]=E[(x_k-x_k^-)(x_k-x_k^-)^\top]\\ &=E[(Ae_{k-1}+w_{k-1})(Ae_{k-1}+w_{k-1})^\top]\\ &=AP_{k-1}A^\top+Q. \end{aligned} \end{equation}\]

Kalman filter process

Now, let us put everything together to form the Kalman filter algorithm. The algorithm consists of two parts:

  • Predict
    • Project the state ahead
    • Project the error covariance ahead
  • Update
    • Compute the Kalman filter gain
    • Update estimate with measurement
    • Update the error covariance

Kalman filter process

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