Kalman filter
Kalman fiter is one of the most important and widely used estimation algorithms. When taking the Self-Driving Cars courses on Coursera, I find the introduction of the Kalman filter in the course a bit brief. So I decided to write this post to provide more information on it.
From a control perspective, the Kalman filter is similar to a state observer. It uses both prediction and the measurement to provide an optimal estimate of the states amid the uncertainties/noises in the model and measurements.
State Observer
Let us start with a short introduction to state observer. For a dynamical system, it is not always possible to obtain information on all state variables in practice. In this case, a state observer is designed to estimate the states of the system and then will be used for control design.
Consider a linear time invariant system, represented in the state space form as below
\[\begin{equation} \begin{aligned} x_k &=Ax_{k-1}+Bu_k, \\ y_k &=Cx_k, \end{aligned} \label{equ:discrete_time_system} \end{equation}\]where $x_k\in\mathcal{R}^n$, $u_k\in\mathcal{R}^m$, $y_k\in\mathcal{R}^p$ are the state, input and output of the system at time step $k$.
Given the model ($A,B,C$) and the measurements ($y_k$), a state observer is given by the following equations
\[\begin{equation} \begin{aligned} \hat{x}_k &= A\hat{x}_{k-1}+Bu_{k-1}+K(y_k-\hat{y}_k),\\ \hat{y}_k &= C\hat{x}_k, \end{aligned} \label{equ:observer} \end{equation}\]where \(\hat{x}_{k}\) is the estimate of the state $x_k$, and $K$ is gain of the observer to be designed.
The left-hand side of the first equation in \eqref{equ:observer} can be divided into:
- a prediction part \(A\hat{x}_{k-1}+Bu_{k-1}\) calculated based on the state estimate and input at the previous step,
- a correction part $K(y_k-\hat{y}_k)$ calculated based on the difference of the measured and predicted outputs.
The configuration of a state observer is shown in the following figure.
The goal of the state observer is to provide an accurate estimate of the state, which is done by choosing a proper observer gain $K$ such that the estimation error $e_k=x_k-\hat{x}_k$ converges to zero.
It follows from \eqref{equ:discrete_time_system} and \eqref{equ:observer} that
\[\begin{equation} e_{k}=(I-KC)e_{k-1}. \label{equ:error} \end{equation}\]Then the observer gain $K$ should be chosen such that the system \eqref{equ:error} is stable.
Kalman filter
However, in reality, we will need to consider the noises/uncertainties in the model and the measurement sensors. The Kalman filter is designed to handle this situation.
Taking into the noises into account, the system \eqref{equ:discrete_time_system} is transformed into:
\[\begin{equation} \begin{aligned} x_k &=x_{k-1}+Bu_{k-1}+w_{k-1}\\ y_k &=Cx_k+v_k, \end{aligned} \label{equ:discrete_time_system_noise} \end{equation}\]where $w_k\sim \mathcal{N}(0,Q)$ is the process noise, and $v_k\sim \mathcal{N}(0,R)$ is the measurement noise. These noises are assumed to be independent (of each other), white and noramally distributed.
The Kalman filter is given by
\[\begin{equation} \begin{aligned} \hat{x}_k &=A\hat{x}_{k-1}+Bu_{k-1}+K(y_k-\hat{y})\\ \hat{y}_k &=C(A\hat{x}_{k-1}+Bu_{k-1}) \end{aligned} \label{equ:kalman_filter} \end{equation}\]The configuration of the Kalman filter is shown below.
Now let us introduce some concepts in the context of Kalman filter.
- Priori estimate: \(\hat{x}_k^-=A\hat{x}_{k-1}+Bu_{k-1}\).
- Posterior estimate: \(\hat{x}_k=A\hat{x}_{k-1}+Bu_{k-1}+K(y_k-\hat{y}_k)=\hat{x}_k^-+K(y_k-C\hat{x}_k^-)\).
- Priori estimate error: $e_k^-=x_k-\hat{x}^-_k$.
- Posterior estimate error: $e_k = x_k -\hat{x}_k$.
- Priori estimate error covariance: $P_k^-=E[e_k^-e_k^{-\top}]$
- Posterior estimate error covariance: $P_k=E[e_ke_k^\top]$
The Kalman filter choose a $K$ known as the Kalman filter gain such that the posteriori estimate $\hat{x}_k$ is optimal in sense that the variance of the posteriori estimate error is minimal. In addition, the posteriori estimate $\hat{x}_k$ is an unbiased estimate of $x_k$.
Unbiased estimate
The expected value of the posteriori estimate is given by
\[\begin{equation} \begin{aligned} E[\hat{x}_k]&=E[\hat{x}_k^- +K(y_k-C\hat{x}_k^-)]\\ &=E[\hat{x}_k^-]+K(E[Cx_k]+E[v_k]-E[C\hat{x}_k^-])\\ &=E[\hat{x}_k^-]+KC(E(x_k)-E[\hat{x}_k^-]). \end{aligned} \end{equation}\]Setting the initial estimate to be the initial value leads to
\[E[\hat{x}_k^-]=E[x_k],\]which indicates
\[E[\hat{x}_k]=E[x_k].\]So the Kalman filter always provides an unbiased estimate of the states regardless of the Kalman filter gain.
Minimum variance
The Kalman filter gain $K$ is chosen such that the variance of the posteriori error $e_k$ is minimal.
From \eqref{equ:kalman_filter}, we have
\[\begin{equation} e_k=x_k-\hat{x}_k=x_k-\hat{x}_k^- - K(Cx_k+v_k-C\hat{x}_k^-). \end{equation}\]Take the covariance of $e_k$, yields
\[\begin{equation} P_k=E[e_ke_k^\top]=(I-KC)P_k^- (I-KC)^\top + KRK^\top. \end{equation}\]That is
\[\begin{equation} P_k=P_k^- -KCP_k^- - P_k^- C^\top K^\top + K(CP_k^-C+R)K^\top. \label{equ:Pk_Pk_minus} \end{equation}\]Then the Kalman filter design problem become an optimal problem
\[\begin{equation} \min_{K}\mathrm{tr} (P_k) \end{equation}\]Note that for any matrix \(M\) and a symmetric matrix $N$,
\[\begin{equation*} \frac{\partial \mathrm{tr}(MNM^\top)}{\partial M}=2MN. \end{equation*}\]Then differentiating $\mathrm{tr} (P_k)$ with respect to $K$ and settting to zero, yields \(\begin{equation} \frac{\partial \mathrm{tr} (P_k)}{\partial K}=-2(P_k^-C^\top)+2K(CP_k^-C^\top+R)=0. \label{equ:trP} \end{equation}\)
Solving the equation above for $K$, we have
\[\begin{equation} K=P_k^-C^\top(CP_k^-C^\top+R)^{-1}. \label{equ:kalman_filter_gain} \end{equation}\]Substitute \eqref{equ:kalman_filter_gain} into \eqref{equ:Pk_Pk_minus}, yields
\[\begin{equation} P_k=(I-KC)P_k^-. \end{equation}\]For $P_k^-$, we have
\[\begin{equation} \begin{aligned} P_k^-&=E[e^-_k e_k^{- \top}]=E[(x_k-x_k^-)(x_k-x_k^-)^\top]\\ &=E[(Ae_{k-1}+w_{k-1})(Ae_{k-1}+w_{k-1})^\top]\\ &=AP_{k-1}A^\top+Q. \end{aligned} \end{equation}\]Kalman filter process
Now, let us put everything together to form the Kalman filter algorithm. The algorithm consists of two parts:
- Predict
- Project the state ahead
- Project the error covariance ahead
- Update
- Compute the Kalman filter gain
- Update estimate with measurement
- Update the error covariance
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